what can hedgehogs not eat

A little fruit and veg should be given on most days. Therefore, they’re not exactly beneficial for them. While your hedgehogs may be happy to chow down almost anything seemingly tasty, some treats may prove to be bad for their health or even outright fatal. Giving them milk and dairy products results in diarrhea, or worse. Sugary food (the exception is a little fruit). Raw potatoes (best avoided as they may contain the toxin solanine). Like dogs and cats, hedgehogs can’t stand chocolate because of quite a few compounds inside the chocolate act as toxic substances in their bodies. Also, in case there’s information available, we’ll note exactly what might be the consequences. Cat or kitten biscuits are great for wild hedgehogs. By the way, hedgehogs get called opportunistic eaters. When pieces are too large, they can be hard to chew. Repeat this for a few days and if there is always food left then reduce the amount given. Don’t feed insects from the garden, countryside or fishing (bait) shops as they often have parasites, pesticides or microorganisms that can affect your hedgehog. Most owners love to feed their hedgehogs, and yes, the hedgehogs love the food! They can’t consume milk and dairy products because they are lactose intolerant. In the end, it’s better to be safe than sorry when it comes to avoiding food potentially toxic to your pets. But, as yet, their specific nutritional requirements are unknown. Canned insects are usually devoured happily as they have a strong smell, but – for the same reason – might not be acceptable to some humans. You can use apples as treats for your pet hedgehog but … We hope that we have given you some food for thought! In this article, we will be giving you all the information you need to feed your hedgehog a great diet. This results in a species that is well adapted to gaining weight, which is a major consideration when feeding and caring for them in captivity. This site is owned and operated by HedgehogKeeper.com. Hence, it’s very easy for hedgehogs to get fat in domestic conditions. Freeze-dried insects can also be re-hydrated easily. The main supplements given to pet hedgehogs tend to be: General vitamin and calcium supplements are unnecessary for all hedgehog owners who feed a good quality cat food. All of the allium vegetables serve a great purpose in many cuisines all over the world. Required fields are marked *. If your hedgehog is not eating, drinking or pooping it may be suffering from Impaction problems. What human foods can dogs not eat? First, hedgehogs can’t properly digest all the nuts and seeds. Another treat of a different kind is to feed a wet meal. Many breeders suggest offering a dish of water as well as a bottle. They are acidic and will definitely upset your pet’s stomach. Otherwise, they do contain high amounts of chitin (6.8% fiber) as well as protein (17%). Therefore, it is difficult to be precise about how much to feed your hedgehog. African Pygmy Hedgehogs can’t eat dog food, citrus fruit like oranges, grapes, raisins, tomatoes, onions, garlic, chocolate, peas, corn, kitten food to self-caught or bait-shop insects. The main issue with this method of feeding is that it’s often then difficult to get the hedgehog to convert to a kibble-based diet later if the need arises. Can hedgehogs eat boiled eggs? Throughout this article when we refer to the hedgehog, we are talking about the African Pygmy Hedgehog (atelerix albiventris), though much of this will transfer to other species. Also, the small bits and pieces prove to be a huge choking hazard. Copyright © 2018 - 2020 SmallPetJournal.com. Attention! What not to feed hedgehogs One of the key issues when it comes to hedgehog preservation is a lack of awareness in terms of foods to avoid. Both grapes and raisins are reported to be highly toxic to hedgehogs. Highly processed carbs (will increase weight gain). You can start feeding hedgehogs as soon as they emerge from hibernation in spring. Leave out foods like tinned dog or cat food (not fish-based) and crushed dog or cat biscuits. A few pieces of apple, carrot or greens are suitable for this purpose. As you can see, their diet is quite rich in energy and fat. Nowadays, ready-made animal foods are engineered to be quite precise when it comes to their nutritional content. However, they do crumble if handled heavily, so need to be treated gently and stored in a ridged container. The exception to this is a diet based on quality wet cat food, which is an appropriate diet for a hedgehog, at least nutritionally. Many owners stay away from fish as it can cause the hog’s feces to be very smelly. Fatty liver disease, liver failure, and cancer. As you could see from the list, there are quite many foods that hedgehogs should definitely not be eating. Although, don’t get any ideas about your domesticated hedgehog. The kibble size is important too. Can hedgehogs eat crickets? Also, the same goes for any juice pressed from citrus fruits, regardless of being fresh or concentrated. As well as nutrient deficiencies (which can cause a whole host of problems) these include: These can usually be prevented by managing your hedgehog’s weight well and sticking to the recommended dietary levels of protein and fat. Raw meats unless part of a properly sourced (pre-frozen) raw diet. Since hedgeho… Opposed to that, domesticated hedgehogs don’t need all that effort in order to get the same amount of calories. Let's see what Quilly has to say about whether or not your hedgehog can eat raisins. Therefore they should not be provided to your hedgehog. Hedgehogs, like any other creature, require a complex balance of nutrition in order to maintain optimal bodily functioning. Unseasoned cooked meats like chicken, turkey, beef or pork are all suitable for the hedgehog. Hedgehogs can certainly eat apples since they’re not toxic or harmful to them in any way. Apple seeds (contain a compound that converts to cyanide in the stomach. Posted on February 29, 2020 (February 29, 2020) by Temi. Hedgehogs are not difficult to feed and usually thrive on a fairly set dietary routine, so long as it includes the important elements of quality animal protein, insects, and some fruit and vegetables. There are a few things to be sure you don’t feed your hedgehog. This is a shortlist of the foods hedgehogs definitely can’t eat. They can’t consume milk and dairy products because they are lactose intolerant. Serve the boiled eggs by peeling off the hard shell and do not add any special or extra condiments, oil, or seasoning to it. All commercial kibble will already be supplemented. HedgehogKeeper.com also participates in affiliate programs with Clickbank, CJ, ShareASale, and other sites. Please look at the list at the beginning of the post to see what are the important exceptions. Now, let’s look at the main food items your African Pygmy Hedgehog could eat at home…. Hedgehogs can enjoy a wide variety of treats from cooked meat to cottage cheese (which is naturally lactose-free) and eggs to baby food. Also, feeding insects bought from the bait shop or found in the wild may harbor bacteria, parasites, and viruses potentially fatal to your hedgehog. Feeding insects live is obviously most natural but doesn’t suit everyone. Also on the list of foods that should be avoided are raisins, sultanas, peanuts and sunflower hearts. Frying inevitably creates greasier food. Water bottles can get clogged or blocked. Foraging opportunities can help to keep the hedgehog active and can easily be offered by putting the kibble in various places around the habitat. Kibble itself is an unnatural way of presenting nutrition to an animal like a hedgehog because every bite is the same in terms of texture, smell, and taste. Activity levels also vary greatly between individuals, so this will affect how much food is needed. Be aware that putting any food out will attract all sorts of wildlife and not just hedgehogs, this includes predators. Are Rats Good Pets? Just be sure that you don’t use any spices, sauces, or other seasonings when cooking the meat. They can eat any flavour, including fish and gravy. Citrus fruits like lemon, orange, lime, and pineapples are a big no-no as meals for these hedgehogs. If you have a very exotic hedgehog as a pet, then seek help from a veterinary or an animal nutrition expert. Find out what hedgehogs should eat and which foods are not healthy for them, and explore lots of tips on how to care for hedgehogs. Preferably not pork or beef as these are harder to digest; a named bird or animal (‘chicken’ rather than ‘poultry’), either as meat or meat-meal, rather than derivatives which have much less food value and less digestible protein; no artificial preservatives (such as BHT or ethoxyquin) which are associated with potential tumor growth; if using a hedgehog food, it should still list meat as the first ingredient. It is helpful to keep a log of your hedgehog’s weight each week so that you can spot issues quickly. The food will be most beneficial in late summer and autumn when they are building up the fat reserves needed to survive the winter. Scientists aren’t entirely sure whether they are immune to these venoms or their body just takes pretty good care of the toxins. They can be useful for those who make up their own mix or feed a cooked or raw fresh diet. Later in this post, we’ll go more into detail why these food items aren’t suitable for hedgehogs. Hedgehogs and morio worms Some species are even able to eat some pretty venomous creatures, such as scorpions and snakes. High acid content makes them upset your hedgie’s stomach. So if a badger and a hedgehog are in the same space for a meal, most likely there will be a food competition. We’ll look at what (and how) wild hedgehogs eat, and what is known about their nutrient requirements. At first, we’ll take a look at what the hedgehogs eat in the wild and what your pet hedgehogs should be eating on a daily basis. How Can I Stop Cats and Foxes Eating It All? Minced meat is the easiest way for the hedgehog to consume it. While live mealworms can still cause impaction, it … Obviously, a large hedgehog is likely to eat a great deal more than a very small one. Steven is the guy behind SmallPetJournal. Crickets, therefore, are a favourite snack for wild and domesticated hedgehogs. Hedgehogs can eat cooked food too. The worms are higher in fat, so don’t overdo it. But you have to avoid the ones bought from bait shops or found from your home garden. It is generally accepted that hedgehogs have a good level of dietary flexibility, having a wide range of foods that they can use depending on their habitat. Each individual feed should be suitable for use as hedgehog food and will need: Many fruits and vegetables are enjoyed by hedgehogs and add interest, vitamins, antioxidants and healthful phytochemicals to the diet. In general, these two species eat the same food; they mainly eat invertebrates such as beetles. correct levels of fat and protein (see above); an easily digested meat (such as chicken or turkey) as the primary ingredient. On the other hand, sticky foods, like all sorts of dried fruit, can get stuck to the mouth roof or teeth. fiber (sometimes given as extra insects or vegetables to prevent constipation in susceptible hedgehogs); joint supplements (to reduce arthritis as hedgehogs age); probiotics (useful for maintaining gut health during stressful periods). As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases. Although pet hedgehogs are considered omnivores, their diet should be heavily meat based because their bodies aren’t able to digest large amounts of plant matter. Starchy vegetables are a bad choice because your hedgehog can’t properly digest these foods. However, there is some agreement that for pet hedgehogs the ranges that produce the best results are around 28 to 35% protein (dry food matter) and 5 to 15% fat. Also, we’ll take the time to go over the main things they should be eating. The meat has to be lean and cooked. There are hedgehog enthusiasts who feed their own mixes and fresh diets with success. Fun Hedgehog Facts You Just Need To Know About. Many hogs seem unwilling or unable to learn to use a water bottle, and it’s safer if these are never be used as the only water source. These are: Several conditions and illnesses can arise if hedgehogs aren’t fed correctly. Like other mammals, it’s important to remember that a hog’s nutritional needs will vary over its lifetime, so you will need to change your hedgehog’s feeding schedule as they age. Treats should only ever be fed in small amounts because of the danger of obesity. Never feed hedgehogs milk as it can cause diarrhoea; instead provide plain, fresh water in a shallow bowl. ), Vertebrates (small lizards, mice, snakes, frogs, etc.). This would also be based on good quality cat food, with chicken or turkey as its primary ingredient. Consequently, canned or freeze-dried insects make for a much safer choice. Before we begin to look at hedgehog diet in captivity, it’s important to understand how wild hedgehogs are adapted to their diet. Not every food that passes for the wild animals will be fine for your hedgie back home. Highly processed carbs (will increase weight gain). As a result, they will get an upset stomach and digestive issues. Most guides recommend against feeding mushrooms to your hedgehogs. The 6 Best Gerbil Cages (Buying Guide & Reviews), Top 20 Safe Woods for Rats (& Toxic Woods to Avoid), Invertebrates (termites, millipedes, grasshoppers, ants, worms, etc. Other (fruit, fungi, vegetation, eggs, roots, carrion, etc. It’s much harder to get your hog to lose weight than it is to prevent weight gain in the first place. Also, the same holds true for grape juice and wine. Looking at a wide spread of hedgehog articles and information, in the US and UK, sources state a range of 20 to 50% protein (dry food matter) and 5 to 20% fat. They like dry food, including meal worms and insects, with the occasional lean meat thrown in. In my experience they just tend to prefer the chicken or beef flavours but there is absolutely no reason why you can’t feed them other flavours and gravy varieties. When to feed hedgehogs. Berries – such as blueberries, strawberries and raspberries – and green leafy vegetables are a particularly helpful addition from a nutritional perspective. This can be useful when feeding overweight hogs, as some fibrous vegetables can be offered to increase the amount of food while having little impact on calories. When you see the first signs of obesity in your hedgehog, then it’s time to quickly make adjustments in their diet. You will need to place this in a heavy ceramic bowl so that it doesn’t get spilled. Furthermore, the high sugar content contributes to increased obesity risk. Follow these guidelines and you’ll soon be able to relax about your hedgehog’s food and concentrate on enjoying their quirky ways. These can be common if you feed your hedgehog frozen or dried insects such as mealworms. There are lots of myths surrounding feeding cat and dog food. The energy consumption comparison of domesticated and wild hedgehogs is beyond doubt quite different. Some other animal protein foods (could be different types of cat kibble). That means they eat whatever they can get their tiny claws on. However, because of the tendency of the captive hedgehog to be picky, these diets should only ever be fed after proper research and advice from experienced people. Hedgehogs are insectivores (insect eating creatures). They are mostly carbs (85%), so you are not losing much here either. Finally, all the allium part of the vegetable family irritate the hedgies’ stomachs and cause digestive issues. and small amounts of … While it’s true that some hedgehog owners feed pineapple in small pieces and nothing bad happens, it doesn’t say anything about your hedgehog’s potential reaction to pineapple. To avoid the food you put out being eaten by pets or foxes you could make a feeding station that is difficult for anything larger than a hedgehog … However, because of the captive hedgehog’s much less active lifestyle, too many insects – which can be high in fat – can lead to obesity. Garlic and other such vegetables from the allium family cause poisoning in dogs and cats. I know they like apples and grapes. All hedgehogs are lactose intolerant. In any case, it’s pretty astounding to think what kind of critters hedgehogs are capable of killing and consuming when you think about their diminutive size and seemingly harmless nature. Their diet as a pet would be a dry kibble (we use high protein, low fat cat and kitten foods) supplemented by insects such as meal worms and crickets. make for a greedy eating style. Here are some points to consider when feeding a pet hedgehog. Berries: Strawberries, Cranberries, Raspberries, Blackberries, Blueberry (without skin) These recommendations are based on African Pygmy Hedgehogs, hands down the most popular hedgehog species at homes all around the world. Hedgehogs tend to be partial to fruit. Although there is no actual evidence that badgers ‘’exterminate’’ hedgehogs, the main reason why they would be predating on their spiky neighbor is a food source. Please look at the list at the beginning of the post to see what are the important exceptions. These are usually different types of cat kibble but could also include good quality hedgehog feed. This simply means that hedgehogs are adapted more for digesting insects than plants. Before boiling eggs, it should be kept fresh prior to boiling it. Not a good fit for a small animal that has a hard time burning off all the consumed calories. Additionally, wild hedgehogs will hibernate in cold seasons in colder climates (not in Africa) and rely on fat reserves in extremely hot seasons. The problems arise with those who are rather greedy and those who are very lazy! They use their senses (primarily smell, hearing and sight) to locate their prey and can even sense grubs in the soil to around 4cm depth. Hedgehogs thrive on animal protein and this should form the majority of their diet. If your hedgehog is likely to look for food during the day (some do), then leave a few pieces for them to find around the habitat but remove the dish until the evening. High-fat food including fried food. These include: There are a few foods that are often mentioned as potentially toxic to hedgehogs because they are toxic to some other species, and toxicity is unclear. It's a small kibble that hedgehogs can eat. Your email address will not be published. HedgehogKeeper.com is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com and Amazon.ca. Promoting a one-off “An Evening With…,” event in Birmingham, Fury said: “My brother breeds bullfrogs and rare hedgehogs for eating. Some fruits and vegetables can be toxic to hedgehogs so it’s best to avod these all together. Around 15% fiber is also thought to be desirable. They must be refrigerated after opening. "At this time of year hedgehogs are busy building up fat reserves to see them through hibernation, so offering plenty of the right food could be a lifesaver." Beef is fatty and should only be served in moderation. Yes, hedgehogs love insects. Treats are enriching for your hog. Being insectivores, hedgehogs need nutrients that may not be found in many other pet foods. Super Worms can bite your hedgehog and cause pain. Small seeds (hard to pick up and hedgehogs can’t remove the seed case, so the seed is essentially indigestible). Other foods are added because variety is essential in a hedgehog’s diet. Steer clear of these food items! What could pet African Pygmy Hedgehogs eat? However, apples don’t contribute to their dietary needs much either. After it’s cooled down to room temperature, cut the beef into small pieces for your pygmy hedgehog to eat. You could perfectly well give your hedgie lean chicken, turkey, lamb, and beef. Now, we’ll go over them separately to see exactly what’s wrong with feeding them to your pet. For example, some common diseases in hedgehog. This is often an excellent dry cat kibble, picked to be suitable for their pet’s life stage and weight. Having a pet is always an awesome feeling for people to enjoy their life filled with full of happiness. Many people suggest leaving out a bowl full of kibble all the time, which will work for many hogs. At first glance, it might seem weird that it’s so specific, but you should really follow this recommendation. But some commonly fed treats are actually really bad for them. While some of the mushrooms in the wild might be fine, there’s no comprehensive and adequate understanding about which particular mushrooms are suitable for pet hedgehogs to eat. Similarly to dogs and cats, consuming garlic and onions could become greatly toxic to the four-legged family members. In which case, you may want to take a more cautious approach. You may want to keep a written log of the different foods you try. WARNING: Do not give pygmy … What a pet hedgehog should eat. The main types of insects that are suitable for hedgehogs are mealworms, waxworms, silkworms, crickets, and grasshoppers. But with like any other pets, you need to be careful with what you exactly feed them. A ‘base food’ cat kibble or premium hedgehog food. African pygmy hedgehogs would eat mainly insects in the wild and berries if there are not a lot of insects available at certain times of the year. Some people choose to use a hedgehog chow as the base food instead, and while many of these products are inappropriate for hedgehogs, there are a few that are quality feeds with a good ratio of protein and fat. Insects bought from fishing shops or found from the wild, Meat (canned, fried, processed, raw, or seasoned). Higher levels of nutrients are usually needed for: Despite some of what you might read, there are a variety of healthy hedgehog diets, but they mostly follow the same basic pattern: Let’s consider each of these in more detail. Primarily foods like these are too acidic and may irritate their tiny tummies. The bottom line: what can hedgehogs not eat? They should not be given any milk or dairy products as they are lactose intolerent. If you are feeding live insects, you need to feed them before you feed them to your hedgehog (called gut loading) to give the best possible nutritional value. These are animals that are one of the rare predators that can actually unroll a hedgehog that has already curled up into a spike ball. While the amount of food you should offer at each feeding varies with the size and age of your pet, as well as the nutritional content of the food, a good rule of thumb is to provide your hedgehog with only as much food as he can eat in one night.When you change your hedgehog's diet, do so gradually. This can help your hedgehogs to stay healthy and live a long life. Caffeine and theobromine may be mood lifters and energy providers for humans, but they are definitely not nice for hedgehogs. He has six years of experience keeping small pets, from guinea pigs, rabbits, to hedgehogs. Moreover, their stems, leaves, and seeds contain those chemicals such as citric acid and essential oil that will affect the animals’ health severely. Some of the foods may just be toxic to them, such as avocados and chocolate. Because a little reassurance can help, it's always better to ask whether certain foods are safe before getting adventurous with your hedgie's diet. Their high metabolic rate and high energy lifestyle (all that foraging!) If you are struggling, you can approach one of the hedgehog clubs or groups for experienced people to help you. But do keep in mind the amount of fats they will be eating so you should feed them cooked meats in moderation. Yes your hedgie can surely eat some Super Worms, and they can become a part of their daily diet, but there are caveats. Better yet, try to feed them the appropriate amount of food in the first place to keep this problem at bay. Don’t listen to random YouTube video or blog advice that says eating avocados is fine for hedgies. Hedgehog Not Eating Or Pooping. Fried and spicy foods don’t get along well with an average hedgehog stomach. Namely, these insects might host disease-causing bacteria and parasites while being full of certain toxins as well. It’s also worth noting that many captive hedgehogs will refuse new food, and others can get diarrhea with changes in the diet. What can hedgehogs NOT eat? Oranges, lemons, limes, and other members of the citrus fruit family shouldn’t be given to hedgehogs. Offer each new treat on its own alongside the main food and wait to see how the hedgehog responds before feeding anything else. Most hedgehogs will need between 1 and 2 teaspoons of kibble if they are getting insects and fruit/veg as well. document.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "adec5b65fb6460c723c1d5c64b463eee" );document.getElementById("baaea177ed").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); SmallPetJournal is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com, Amazon.co.uk or Amazon.ca. They will munch on just about anything. Try starting with 2 teaspoons of kibble in the evening (along with the other elements of the diet), and then assessing what is left in the morning. Yes, it’s true, people really do eat hedgehogs! Namely, the hedgehogs living in the African wilderness need to put in a lot of work to get the food on the table. The food that a hedgehog eats contributes to an extended lifespan for your favorite pet.Hedgehogs at home can have a lifespan that can exceed six years while the ones in the wild can only Live up to three years due to the numerous dangers they’re constantly facing. Yes, hedgehogs can eat boiled eggs. This leads to a greater tolerance for macronutrients, such as protein and fat. This post may contain affiliate links. But these aren’t good for hedgehogs. If this kind of diet interests you, please seek out someone who is well-established in feeding their hedgehogs with the kind of diet you intend to use and ask them to assist you. Attention! Salty foods (like processed meat). The natural diet is extremely variable, and the opportunistic tendencies of this little forager mean they would experience a widespread of textures, tastes and smells when eating. There are times when a hedgehog will naturally need to eat more. There are two reasons why you shouldn’t give pineapple to your hedgehogs. Also, never forget that although hedgehogs are wild animals, the domesticated ones are a bit different from their wild counterparts. He currently lives with his wife & three guinea pigs in Texas. Ive also seen people feed them cat food. These include when they are pregnant, nursing, growing, recovering from illness, getting older, or when the weather is cold. Heat dried insects have the advantage of being widely available, but they may have a lower nutritional quality. These include: Processed human food. with statements such as ‘but my hedgehogs will only eat xxxxxx’ or ‘I’ve been told not to feed them xxxxxx’, so we will try to dispel a few of the myths for you all… Statement - ‘You shouldn’t feed hedgehogs fish flavoured cat food’. The African pygmy hedgehog is also a domesticated hedgehog, which is to say that it is not the same as the hedgehogs found in the wild, much like the super-cute lop-eared bunny is not the same as the grey and graceful rabbits you can find in the wild. Weight variation in adult hedgehogs is huge – with healthy adults, who are not obese, ranging from 200g to 1,000g. The Good, the Bad (& the Wonderful? Cat food is available to almost everyone, no matter where they live, and it contains protein. The hedgehog’s gut and pancreas contain the enzyme chitinase which enables this process. Hedgehogs are the Homer Simpsons of the animal world.

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