proc phreg robust standard errors

However, the effect is more prominent for adult-onset diabetes than for juvenile-onset diabetes since the hazard ratio estimates for the former are less than those of the latter. Extending the Use of PROC PHREG in Survival Analysis Christopher F. Ake, VA Healthcare System, San Diego, CA Arthur L. Carpenter, Data Explorations, Carlsbad, CA ABSTRACT Proc PHREG is a powerful SAS® tool for conducting proportional hazards regression. The random effects are statistically significant (=0.0042). The MEANS procedure sums up the DFBETA statistics for each subject and outputs the results to a SAS data set named Out2.The IML procedure then reads the DFBETA statistics from the data set Out2 and computes the robust variance, which is output to a SAS data set called RCov. By the end of the study, 54 eyes treated with laser photocoagulation and 101 eyes treated by other means have developed blindness (Output 66.11.1). The SAS® PHREG procedure includes a BASELINE statement that allows users to easily obtain the survival predictions, standard error, and confidence interval from a survival model. “Standard Error” –Greenwood’s estimator of standard deviation of Kaplan-Meier estimator Mean is really the restricted mean.Mean is really the restricted mean. Posted 07-07-2015 10:50 AM (640 views) I would like to use the OUTPUT statement in PROC PHREG to compute estimates and standard errors for a linear combination of predictors. Other SAS/STAT procedures that perform at least one type of regression analysis are the CATMOD, GENMOD, GLM, LOGIS- In older procedures, such as PROC GLM and PROC MIXED, you can specify and estimate only one band [logical] If TRUE compute and add the quantiles for the confidence bands to the output. I'd like to be able to add a number of class variables and receive White standard errors in my output. Output 86.8.4 shows that patients without fracture at diagnosis have better survival than those with fractures. Suppose that we have the following regression model for a time to failure random variable Tand a vector of regressors x: h(t;x)= h. Ignoring clustering and treating these observations as independent will lead to biased standard errors and test statistics. B [integer, >0] the number of bootstrap replications used to compute the confi-dence intervals. Copyright © SAS Institute Inc. All rights reserved. Both the CONTRAST and the ESTIMATE statements deal with custom general linear functions of the model parameters . One eye of each patient is treated with laser photocoagulation. I tried using the variables listed in the proc contents of the new dataset, and now get this error: proc phreg data=riskvalid concordance outest=predicted; class sex (ref='1') agecat(ref='1') bmicateg(ref='1') diabetes(ref='1') prevap(ref='0') prevmi(ref='0') prevhyp(ref='0') cholcateg(ref='1') smokecateg(ref='1'); PHREG * PLM SURVEYLOGISTIC * SURVEYPHREG SURVEYREG * * Table 1. The application of the Firth-correction, 4 Next, you analyze the same data by using a shared frailty model. The COVS(AGGREGATE) option is specified to compute the robust sandwich covariance matrix estimate. Laser photocoagulation appears to be effective (=0.0217) in delaying the occurrence of blindness, although there is also a significant interaction effect between treatment and type of diabetes (=0.0053). The explanatory variables in this Cox model are Treat, Type, and the Treat Type interaction. Two approaches can be taken to adjust for the intracluster correlation. Here the area under the KME up to the largest event time (()at 53.0921). proc phreg data=Blind covs(aggregate) namelen=22; model Time*Status(0)=Treatment DiabeticType Treatment*DiabeticType; id ID; run; The robust standard error estimates are smaller than the model-based counterparts ( Output 64.11.2 ), since the ratio of the robust standard error estimate relative to the model-based estimate is less than 1 for each variable. - PROC LOGISTIC - PROC GENMOD - PROC PHREG (for proportional hazards modeling of survival data) - PROC SURVEYLOGISTIC . The COVS(AGGREGATE) option is specified to compute the robust sandwich covariance matrix estimate. 45%. Laser photocoagulation appears to be effective (=0.0217) in delaying the occurrence of blindness. In fact, robust and classical The following DATA step creates the data set Blind that represents 197 diabetic patients who have a high risk of experiencing blindness in both eyes as defined by DRS criteria. Robust Regression Tree level 1. robust estimator is defined as Iˆ 1( ) ( ) ˆBˆ ˆIˆ 1( ) ˆ. On The So-Called “Huber Sandwich Estimator” and “Robust Standard Errors” by David A. Freedman Abstract The “Huber Sandwich Estimator” can be used to estimate the variance of the MLE when the underlying model is incorrect. This indicates that laser-photocoagulation treatment is more effective in delaying blindless regardless of the type of diabetes. Node 26 of 0. One eye of each patient is treated with laser photocoagulation. This phenomenon usually happens if events are observed in only one of two levels of a binary coariate.v In this case, the robust standard error will collapse to zero, while the model- based standard error diverges with the parameter estimate. Since there are no biological differences between the left eye and the right eye, it is natural to assume a common baseline hazard function for the failure times of the left and right eyes. For both types of diabetes, the 95% confidence interval for the hazard ratio lies below 1. The "Covariance Parameter Estimates" table in Output 66.11.5 displays the estimate and asymptotic estimated standard error of the common variance parameter of the normal random effects. Lin (1994) illustrates this methodology by using a subset of data from the Diabetic Retinopathy Study (DRS). The robust standard error estimates are smaller than the model-based counterparts, since the ratio of the robust standard error estimate relative to the model-based estimate is less than 1 for each parameter. proc reg is able to calculate robust (White) standard errors, but it requires you to create individual dummy variables. Each patient is a cluster that contributes two observations to the input data set, one for each eye. The PHREG Procedure Parameter DF Parameter Estimate Standard Error Pr>ChiSq Hazard Ratio A 1 1 ‐0.0076 1.6943 0.9964 0.992 A 2 1 ‐0.8813 1.6429 0.5917 0.414 X1 1 ‐0.1552 0.2017 0.4417 0.856 X2 1 0.0115 0.1885 0.9512 1.012 As a preliminary analysis, PROC FREQ is used to break down the numbers of blindness in the control and treated eyes: By the end of the study, 54 treated eyes and 101 untreated eyes have developed blindness (Output 64.11.1). You must declare the cluster variable as a classification variable in the CLASS statement. These estimates closely resemble those computed in analysis based on the marginal Cox model in Output 66.11.3, which leads to the same conclusion that laser photocoagulation is effective in delaying blindess for both types of diabetes, and more effective for the adult-onset diabetes than for juvenile-onset diabetes. Note this derivation assumes that is fixed, so it does not account for the variability in estimating . performed by using the PROC GENMOD procedure for both binomial regression and Poisson regression and the PROC FREQ procedure for the Mantel-Haenszel method. Differences in the survival probabilities and their standard errors are displayed in Output 86.8.5. proc print data=Diff1; run; Output 86.8.5: Differences in … Each equation specifies a linear hypothesis; multiple equations (rows of the joint hypothesis) are separated by commas. The following statements use PROC PHREG to fit a shared frailty model to the Blind data set. Spatial Analysis ... Kang et al. You can suppress the display of this table by using the NOCLPRINT option in the RANDOM statement. Results of the marginal model analysis are displayed in Output 66.11.2. Since there are no biological differences between the left eye and the right eye, it is natural to assume a common baseline hazard function for the failure times of the left and right eyes. In the marginal Cox model approach, Lee, Wei, and Amato (1992) estimate the regression parameters in the Cox model by the maximum partial likelihood estimates under an independent working assumption and use a robust sandwich covariance matrix estimate to account for the intracluster dependence. However, the surveyreg procedure is not effective when I have models with dichotomous outcome variables. Is there any way to combine these functionalities? Estimates of hazard ratios of the laser treatment relative to nonlaser treatment are displayed in Output 66.11.7. Node 27 of 0. Getting Robust Standard Errors for OLS regression parameters | SAS Code Fragments. Hazard ratio estimates of the laser treatment relative to nonlaser treatment are displayed in Output 66.11.3. The effect is much more prominent for adult-onset diabetes than for juvenile-onset diabetes. The explanatory variables in this Cox model are Treat, Type, and the Treat Type interaction. Journal of the American Statistical Association… %blinplus Implementing Rosner B, Spiegelman S, Willett W. Correction of logistic regression relative risk estimates and confidence intervals for measurement error: the case of multiple covariates measured with error. derive the standard errors estimator by using the delta method. If the model is nearly correct, so are the usual standard errors, and robustification is unlikely to help much. The SAS macro used for the simulation is available from the author on request. - SAS code to estimate two-way cluster-robust standard errors, t-statistics, and p-values All I am finding online is the surveyreg procedure, which presents robust standard errrors (I am assuming robust/clustered are the same things or similar based on what I am reading). A subset of data from the Diabetic Retinopathy Study (DRS) is used to illustrate the methodology as in Lin (1994). double robust estimator and to assumes that all event, treatment, and censoring models are valid to obtain consistent standard errors. (6) The PHREG procedure in SAS/STAT® routinely reports the standard errors based on the naïve estimator. Code to calculate two-way cluster robust bootstrapped standard errors: OLS (REG), median regression (QREG), and robust regression (RREG). The robust standard error estimates are smaller than the model-based counterparts (Output 64.11.2), since the ratio of the robust standard error estimate relative to the model-based estimate is less than 1 for each variable. For example: With proc glm, I can do this regression. This Results of testing the fixed effects are very similar to those based on the robust variance estimates. ... To use a robust sandwich covariance matrix estimate to … Since juvenile and adult diabetes have very different courses, it is also desirable to examine how the age of onset of diabetes might affect the time of blindness. The greater then number of bootstrap iterations specified the longer this code will take to run. The following variables are in the input data set Blind: Status, event indicator (0=censored and 1=uncensored), Treatment, treatment received (1=laser photocoagulation and 0=otherwise), DiabeticType, type of diabetes (0=juvenile onset with age of onset at 20 or under, and 1= adult onset with age of onset over 20). The ID statement identifies the variable that represents the clusters. Unfortunately, PROC GLM and PROC MIXED do not offer this syntax, and those are the procedures we most often use in the foundations of experimental design. The second method is a likelihood-based random effects (frailty) model. Normally, one would use XBETA and STDXBETA to do this; however, doing so uses information for each variable in … My SAS/STATA translation guide is not helpful here. The "Random Class Level Information" table in Output 66.11.4 displays the 197 ID values of the patients. The label is used to identify the resulting output, and it should always be included. Post-Fitting Statements That Are Available in Linear Modeling Procedures . proc reg data = hsb2; model write = female math; run; quit; Parameter Estimates Parameter Standard Variable DF Estimate Error t Value Pr > |t| Intercept 1 … This will give correct results no matter how many levels are contained in the class … Some programs compute area … Its utility, however, can be greatly extended by auxiliary SAS code. The following statements use PROC PHREG to carry out the analysis of Lee, Wei, and Amato . The REG Procedure Overview The REG procedure is one of many regression procedures in the SAS System. The following statements use PROC PHREG to carry out the analysis of Lee, Wei, and Amato (1992). Laser photocoagulation appears to be effective (=0.0252) in delaying the occurrence of blindness, although there is also a significant treatment by diabetes type interaction effect (=0.0071). It is a general-purpose procedure for regression, while other SAS regression procedures provide more specialized applications. Also listed are their standard errors, Wald Chi-Square statistics, p-values, and … Since juvenile and adult diabetes have very different courses, it is also desirable to examine how the age of onset of diabetes might affect the time of blindness. Output 66.11.6 displays the Wald tests for both the fixed effects and the random effects. The COVS(AGGREGATE) is specified to compute the robust sandwich covariance matrix estimate. Chapter 37 The LIFETEST Procedure Overview A common feature of lifetime or survival data is the presence of right-censored ob-servations due either to withdrawal of experimental units or to … ... You can specify a value in the TAU= option in the PROC PHREG … Spatial Analysis ... By using the PLOTS= option in the PROC PHREG statement, you can use ODS Graphics to display the predicted survival curves. Copyright All The HAZARDRATIO statement requests hazard ratios for the treatments be displayed. The PHREG procedure now fits frailty models with the addition of the RANDOM statement. American Journal of Epidemiology1990;132: 734-735. betacomp.f Implementing Spiegelman D, Rosner B. Estimation and inference for binary data with covariate measurement error and misclassification for main study/validation study designs. Each patient is a cluster that contributes two observations to the input data set, one for each eye. The RANDOM statement identifies the variable ID as the variable that represents the clusters. The following DATA step creates the data set Blind that represents 197 diabetic patients who have a high risk of experiencing blindness in both eyes as defined by DRS criteria. Robust Regression Tree level 1. The SAS procedure PROC PHREG allows us to fit a proportional hazard model to a dataset. Clustered standard errors may be estimated as follows: proc genmod; class identifier; model depvar = indvars; repeated subject=identifier / type=ind; run; quit; This method is quite general, and allows alternative regression specifications using different link functions. Summary of Proc MiAnalyze Options Specific Input data sets Options COV, CORR, or EST type data set DATA= parameter estimates and standard errors DATA= parameter estimates PARAMS= parameter information PARMINFO= covariance matrices COVB= (XX’)-1 XPXI= Specify statistical analysis parameters under the null hypothesis THETA0= With the newly added option COVS, the robust standard errors based on (6) would be included in the output as well. Selected results of this analysis are displayed in Output 66.11.4 to Output 66.11.6. PROC PHREG performs a Wald test for the joint hypothesis specified in a single TEST statement. rights reserved. The hypothesis of interest is whether the laser treatment delays the occurrence of blindness. One way of getting robust standard errors for OLS regression parameter estimates in SAS is via proc surveyreg. The following variables are in the input data set Blind: Status, blindness indicator (0:censored and 1:blind), Treat, treatment received (Laser or Others), Type, type of diabetes (Juvenile: onset at age 20 or Adult: onset at age 20). Our macro first modifies the input data set appropriately and then applies SAS's standard Cox regression procedure, PROC PHREG, using weights and counting-process style of specifying survival times to the modified data set. The basic output from the procedure, as seen in Appendix 3, shows the estimates for AGEl, LIVI, PERFI, and CATRESP to be 0.37384, 0.28476, 0.27885, and -0.58807 respectively. PROC PHREG - Computing linear predictors and standard errors for a subset of predictor variables in a model. This model can be fitted by SAS PROC PHREG with the robust sandwich estimate option. When experimental units are naturally or artificially clustered, failure times of experimental units within a cluster are correlated. When experimental units are naturally or artificially clustered, failure times of experimental units within a cluster are correlated. We present a new SAS macro %pshreg that can be used to fit a proportional subdistribution hazards model for survival data subject to competing risks. The hypothesis of interest is whether the laser treatment delays the occurrence of blindness. Across all academic fields, Google Scholar finds 75,500 articles using “robust standard errors,” and about 1000 more each month.1 The extremely widespread, automatic, and even sometimes unthinking use of robust standard errors accomplishes almost exactly the opposite of its intended goal. analysis program such as SUDAAN, we can calculate appropriate standard errors that will give us more useful and accurate results when conducting significance testing or in creating confidence intervals in subsequent analysis steps. As a preliminary analysis, PROC FREQ is used to summarize the number of eyes that developed blindness. The following SAS statements calculate the robust covariance matrix for the treatment coefficients. The analysis of Lee, Wei, and Amato (1992) can be carried out by the following PROC PHREG specification. We describe our © 2009 by SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. ... standard error, and lower and upper confidence limits for the survivor function be output into the SAS data set that is specified in the OUT= option. 4.1.1 Regression with Robust Standard Errors The SAS proc reg includes an option called acov in the model statement for estimating the asymptotic covariance matrix of the estimates under the hypothesis of heteroscedasticity. Partial Likelihood Function for the Cox Model, Firth’s Correction for Monotone Likelihood, Conditional Logistic Regression for m:n Matching, Model Using Time-Dependent Explanatory Variables, Time-Dependent Repeated Measurements of a Covariate, Survivor Function Estimates for Specific Covariate Values, Model Assessment Using Cumulative Sums of Martingale Residuals, Bayesian Analysis of Piecewise Exponential Model, 5 14 16 25 29 46 49 56 61 71 100 112 120 127 133 150 167 176 185 190 202 214 220 243 255 264 266 284 295 300 302 315 324 328 335 342 349 357 368 385 396 405 409 419 429 433 445 454 468 480 485 491 503 515 522 538 547 550 554 557 561 568 572 576 581 606 610 615 618 624 631 636 645 653 662 664 683 687 701 706 717 722 731 740 749 757 760 766 769 772 778 780 793 800 804 810 815 832 834 838 857 866 887 903 910 920 925 931 936 945 949 952 962 964 971 978 983 987 1002 1017 1029 1034 1037 1042 1069 1074 1098 1102 1112 1117 1126 1135 1145 1148 1167 1184 1191 1205 1213 1228 1247 1250 1253 1267 1281 1287 1293 1296 1309 1312 1317 1321 1333 1347 1361 1366 1373 1397 1410 1413 1425 1447 1461 1469 1480 1487 1491 1499 1503 1513 1524 1533 1537 1552 1554 1562 1572 1581 1585 1596 1600 1603 1619 1627 1636 1640 1643 1649 1666 1672 1683 1688 1705 1717 1727 1746 1749. Here are two examples using hsb2.sas7bdat. An alternative approach to account for the within-cluster correlation is to use a shared frailty model where cluster effects are incorporated into the model as independent and identically distributed random variables. Lee, Wei, and Amato (1992) estimate the regression parameters in the Cox model by the maximum partial likelihood estimates under an independent working assumption and use a robust sandwich covariance matrix estimate to account for the intracluster dependence. The PHREG procedure, implementing the Cox regression, can be used to produce hazard ratio estimates for each imputed dataset, which would then need to be combined to obtain an overall hazard ratio, as well as its standard error, confidence interval, and an overall test for no treatment effect. The explanatory variables in this Cox model are Treatment, DiabeticType, and the Treatment DiabeticType interaction. It is quite powerful, as it allows for truncation, time-varying covariates and provides us with a few model selection algorithms and model diagnostics. In the setting of complex survey design, such as stratification and multistage sampling from clusters, SAS SURVEYPHREG procedure is needed to appropriately The online SAS documentation for the genmod procedure provides detail. In estimating take to run account for the hazard ratio lies below 1 significant ( =0.0042 ) the. Add the quantiles for the hazard ratio lies below 1 relative to nonlaser treatment are displayed Output... Us to fit a shared frailty model to a dataset preliminary analysis, PROC FREQ is used identify... Be fitted by SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA ] the number class... Effective in delaying the occurrence of blindness in SAS is via PROC surveyreg that developed blindness tests... A cluster are correlated 53.0921 ) via PROC surveyreg clustered, failure times of experimental units a! 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