long in french feminine

He thought long and hard about the matter. The table is three metres long. Find more French words at wordhippo.com! Cette phrase n'est pas une traduction de la phrase originale. Ê°- (“to be easy, be quick, jump, move around, vary”). From Old French long, from longe, longue, feminine of lonc, lunc, from Latin longus, from Proto-Indo-European *dlongÊ°os (“long”). J'ai très envie de voyager mais je n'ai ni le temps ni l'argent pour le faire. The French word long (which usually translates to long in English) is pronounced just like l'on and rhymes with bon and mon. I long to travel, but I don't have the money or the time to do so. French Translation of “short” | The official Collins English-French Dictionary online. It's a long way down from the top of the cliff. Feminine: add an -e to the masculine form 1.1. un garçon intéressant --> une fille intéressante 1.2. un ami amusant --> une amie amusante 1.3. un camion lent --> une voiture lente 2. long before (prep) bien avant I left long before her. Bientôt, la tempête cessa et la vie au village reprit son cours. Long ago all these mountains were volcanoes. Ça fait (assez) longtemps que je n'ai pas joué au golf. Yes, we are long on spaghetti here and won't need to get any more for weeks. Je suis resté au soleil un bon moment et j'ai pris un coup de soleil. It's been a long while since I played golf. The plural is "mères" (with the additional "s" as the plural mark) What is the plural of the French word for lady? Il y a longtemps, mes ancêtres ont investi ces terres. Jasmine has wanted to go to Paris for so long. Le mariage doit être considéré comme un engagement à vie. From Middle English longen, from Old English langian (“to belong, pertain”), from Old English *lang, which is of uncertain origin yet related to Old English Ä¡elang (“dependent, attainable, present, belonging, consequent”), Old Saxon gilang (“ready, available”). Pendant les grandes vacances, je suis allée en Irlande. Sam was a long-haired hippie in the 1970s. Des frais supplémentaires s'appliquent pour les appels interurbains (. long (plural longe, diminutive longetjie). longuement. Au lycée, j'étais dans l'équipe d'athlétisme et je faisais du saut en longueur. : Le M'laya est le voile féminin de Constantine. It depends on the word, but the feminine form is most likely identical to the masculine one in this situation. Determining the gender of nouns In French… I am happy, as long as the sun always comes back around. Irregular adjectives. Il est généralement placé après le nom et s'accorde avec le nom (ex : un ballon bleu, une balle bleue). For all that, the rapid arrival of electric light to Indian villages is, to long for, yearn after, grieve for, be pained, lengthen, grow longer, summon, belong, to be easy, be quick, jump, move around, vary, The Rabbit sighed. ». Cette journée m'a semblé si longue, j'ai hâte de rentrer à la maison. Constantina is the feminine form of Constantine. Cela fait longtemps que je ne l'ai pas vu. Si tu enfreins la loi, la police t'attrapera ; on n'échappe pas à la justice. long f (genitive lungae, nominative plural longa), long f (genitive singular luinge, plural longan). Le bouchon faisait près de 800m de long. longior Le risque de perte de masse osseuse chez les astronautes est très réel dans le cas de vols spatiaux de longue durée. One of the best things about French gender checkers is that they continually expose you to masculine and feminine nouns in contexts that matter to you. I could water the flowers all day long. La bonne ambiance a perduré bien après la fin de la fête. WordReference English-French Dictionary © 2020: Discussions du forum dont le titre comprend le(s) mot(s) "long" : Dans d'autres langues : espagnol | italien | portugais | roumain | allemand | néerlandais | suédois | russe | polonais | tchèque | grec | turc | chinois | japonais | coréen | arabe. The climber fell a long way down the mountain, but luckily landed in deep snow. These lights must rise in the sky to cast light, And God made a good speech to give strength, And the Lord God said to the snake: "You did a bad deed, and so I have a powerful curse for you. Nous souhaitons longue vie à votre projet. There were problems here long before he arrived. Kane scored a magnificent goal from a long distance. Long hair suits Debbie; she looks really pretty. For example: "C'est une longue histoire." long translate: long, long, length, full-length, lengthy, long, long. Thus, in a simple world where all adjectives in English came before the noun, and all French adjectives came after the noun, the order of adjectives in French would be the mirror image of the order of the equivalent adjectives in an English sentence . En général, seule la forme au masculin singulier est donnée. Dawn wears glasses to correct her farsightedness. Signalez une publicité qui vous semble abusive. A lot of newly-qualified lawyers work very long hours for their firms. She buys savon doux (pronounced: sah-von dooh), mild soap. A long way off, you could just see the lights from a distant village. My garden is as long as a football pitch. Aidez WordReference : Posez la question dans les forums. The football club's new owners say they're in for the long haul. After a hard day's work I'm always ready to sleep for a long time. 34 years? Most French nouns become feminine according to regular patterns, but there are a number of irregular nouns, based on the final letter(s) of the masculine singular noun. Signalez une erreur ou suggérez une amélioration. She sometimes cooks patates douces (pronounced: pah-taht doohs), sweet potatoes. Ere long the storm passed, and the village was tranquil once again. An adjective is a word used to describe a noun. or "C'est un long train." In English, that’s about all there is to know about singular nouns. Here are the French words and their English definitions, followed by which part of speech and tense the word is in. Masculine Feminine Definite Articles with the Names of Countries in French. He was not a mongol but there was a deficiency of a sort there, and it was not made more pretty by a latter-day hair cut which involved eccentrically, having much distance from one point to another. I hate daddy longlegs – they make my flesh crawl. The device allows the police to convey important messages over a long range in a noisy environment. The coating on the car will ensure that the paint job is long lasting. Ère, as in la mère (the mother), la manière (the manner), la boulangère (a female baker). In French all adjectives must agree in gender and number with the noun they describe. More commonly though, ce or another demonstrative is used with objects and things. Personal pronouns are words like he, she, I, and you. From Dutch long, from Middle Dutch longe, also longen, longene, from Old Dutch *lungan, *lunganna, from Proto-Germanic *lunganjō. Initial mutations of a following adjective: Seemingly lasting a lot of time, because it is. Janice finally got a long-overdue apology from her ex-boyfriend. A basic, singular noun refers to just one of something: a book, the cheese, my house. À tout hasard, tu n'aurais pas un tournevis que je pourrais emprunter ? De quelle longueur est la Grande Muraille de Chine ? The queue was half a mile long. Miriam avait hâte que Jake la prenne dans ses bras et lui dise qu'il l'aimait. The trip from France to Australia is a long haul. Mon jardin est aussi long qu'un terrain de foot. He, dependent, attainable, present, belonging, consequent, Bihaen hemi finisim skul blong hem, hemi go minista, Ol dispela lait i mas kamap long skai bilong givim lait, Used to mark spatial direct objects that something is oriented in the location of, where English would use, Used to mark indirect objects, or direct objects of, Na God i mekim gutpela tok bilong givim strong, Used to mark spatial direct objects that something is oriented in the manner opposite of, extracted from, or away from, where English would use, Na God, Bikpela i tokim snek olsem, “Yu bin mekim dispela pasin nogut, olsem na nau mi gat strongpela tok bilong daunim yu. La table fait trois mètres de long. long adj adjective: Describes a noun or pronoun--for example, "a tall girl," "an interesting book," "a big house." Cognates include Old English lang, Old Saxon lang and Old Dutch *lang. We need to find a long-lasting solution. Il lui tardait de rentrer chez lui auprès de sa famille. But as a French native, and a French teacher I can tell you… NO, grammatical gender in French is NOT crucial. Un oubli important ? So, for example, never make lists with columns “feminine” and “masculine” and just write the French noun in them. C'est aux Jeux olympiques qu'elle battit le record du saut en longueur. For adjectives that don’t follow the regular pattern, use the table below to help you select the correct ending to use to make your adjective agree with your noun. Here is a longer list which will help you master French … Manger équilibré est gage de longue vie. traverser le terrain (pour rattraper une passer longue), a long way down the street : plus loin dans la rue, faire un mile de long, être long d'un mile, faire un kilomètre de long, être long d'un kilomètre, faire un kilomètre de long, faire un kilomètre, depuis si longtemps, depuis très longtemps, sauteur en longueur, sauteuse en longueur, qui aurait dû être fait il y a longtemps, ça a peu de chances de réussir, c'est pas gagné, It's a long shot but … : à tout hasard, It's a long shot but … : ça vaut ce que ça vaut mais …, ça faisait longtemps (qu'on ne s'était pas vus). To divide 5,381,264 by 17, you need either long division or a calculator! This adjective means 'sweet', 'soft', 'mild', or 'gentle.' : Tous les attributs de la féminité sont représentés sur ces stèles. In other words, you’ll learn French genders while you search for new vocabulary or while you write in French, rather than simply memorizing a long list of words and their genders. long f (genitive singular loinge, nominative plural longa). Traditionally feminine in the Netherlands, masculine in Belgium due to masculinisation. I love this dress style, but do you have a long? Plusieurs jeunes avocats font beaucoup d'heures pour leurs cabinets. Long-range jets can fly non-stop across the Pacific. If you are describing people, this (usually) matches up to the gender of the person you are describing, so it is easy to know if you should use the masculine or feminine … The boss will only wait for so long; hurry up! Generally assumed to be a Latin loan, from (navis) longa, but Joseph Loth believed it to be from Proto-Celtic; either way, cognate to Welsh llong. J'ai une liste interminable de problèmes concernant la maison. The "on" is pronounced similarly to the o in the English only. Comparison of long, tables for many French adjectives, comparison, all forms, adverbs ... le plus long les plus longs le moins long les moins longs . It was during the Olympics that she broke the world long jump record. Occurring or coming after an extended interval; distant in time; far away. This page was last edited on 7 December 2020, at 01:21. He longed to be back home with his family. Mon grand-père a eu une longue vie : il est mort à 92 ans. This list may help, however I highly recommend making sure you memorize the gender of French nouns at the same time as you memorize the noun itself: the two info should be really learned as one in French. I am wearing long johns and thermal underwear, but I am still cold! He thought it would be a long time before this magic called Real happened to him. I have a long list of problems with the house. Brad a eu une bonne note à l'examen, mais il a encore beaucoup de chemin à parcourir pour réussir le cours. It’s not as simply as simply adding an -e. French Nouns With Irregular Feminine Forms . Right now I am focused on my studies, but my long-range ambition is to get a great job and start a family. Mon grand-père a eu une longévité exceptionnelle : il est mort à 92 ans. The man's generous donation will go a long way to help build homes for needy families. Je suis heureux du moment que le soleil revient toujours. long (feminine singular longue, masculine plural longs, feminine plural longues). Alors que les autres vendaient leurs actions, il a adopté une position longue. The effects of the storm have been long-lasting. Les nouveaux propriétaires du club de foot disent qu'ils sont là pour un bout de temps. It's been a long day - I can't wait to get home. Je déteste les tipules : elles me donnent la chair de poule. Over 100,000 French translations of English words and phrases. Mother is "mère" in French. → I learned long ago to avoid these invitations. Après une dure journée de travail, je suis toujours prêt à dormir longtemps. La foule cria d'une seule voix : « Vive le roi ! It's been a long time since I last saw him. C'est sûrement pour le mieux à long terme. 1. je – I – 1stperson 2. nous – we – 1stperson plural 3. tu – you – 2ndperson 4. vous – you, • yourself – 2ndperson plural 5. il – he, it – 3rdperson 6. elle – she – 3rdperson 7. ils – they – 3rdperson plural, masculine 8. elles – they … Nor is solar power yet as cheap as the grid. I know this is a long shot, but I don't suppose you have a screwdriver I could borrow? Je suis parti bien avant elle. If your goal is only to make yourself understood, then you don’t need to be perfectly perfect with masculine and feminine genders, grammatically speaking of course. Je pourrais arroser les fleurs toute la journée. Definition from Wiktionary, the free dictionary, We expressed our readiness, and in ten minutes were in the station wagon, rolling rapidly down the, The face which emerged was not reassuring. It is better to check a dictionary for the feminine form in case it already exists. I haven't seen my ex-husband in a long time. Feminine and masculine in French. Nouns that end in a vowel plus L, N, or T usually become feminine by doubling the consonant before adding E. While others were selling the stock short, he took a long position. Ces oiseaux nagent très loin des rives, alors il te faudra un télescope pour les voir. From Middle English long, lang, an aphetic form of Middle English ilong, ylong, from Old English Ä¡elong, Ä¡elang (“along, belonging, depending, consequent”); the verb later reinterpreted as an aphetic form of belong. Backformation from longe, longue, the feminine form of lonc. […]. From Old French long, a back-formation from longe, longue, the feminine form of Early Old French lonc, from Latin longus. Long as an adjective in French is "long" in the masculine and "longue" in the feminine. Exceptions are le père (the father), le frère (the brother), le cimetière (cemetery), l’arrière (the back). adverbe . Most adjective changes occur in the following manner: 1. My grandfather had a long life, passing away at the age of 92. Though the horse was a long shot, he still won the race. The film begins with a long shot in which you can see the whole town. Le film commence avec un plan d'ensemble dans lequel on peut voir toute la ville. Marie is a French mother with two children. Hevi yu karim bai i winim hevi bilong olgeta arapela animal. It is a good idea to stretch your legs regularly during a long-distance flight. Les camions qui effectuent de longs trajets transportent régulièrement des produits à travers le pays. Il gelait alors j'ai décidé de porter des sous-vêtements longs. Cela fait un bail que je n'ai pas vu mon ex-mari. The closer an adjective comes to a noun in English, the closer it will come in French. The left panel shows the profile of a portfolio consisting of longing a call and shorting a put. Il tardait à Miriam que Jake la prenne dans ses bras et lui dise qu'il l'aimait. In conclusion, we have learned that French adjectives have masculine and feminine forms, as well as plural forms. It was below freezing temperatures, so he decided to wear long underwear. Janice a finalement eu les excuses tardives de son ex-copain. Summary. Cela fait un moment que je n'ai pas joué au golf. Now, and, And God said to Adam: "You listened to what your woman said, and you ate a fruit of this tree which I have forbidden you. Je suis à la retraite depuis longtemps ; ça fait des années que je n'ai pas travaillé. In French, all adjectives must agree with the nouns that they modify in terms of gender and number. Bai yu gat bikpela hevi. Ça lui va bien, les cheveux longs, à Debbie : elle est très jolie comme ça. Pour diviser 5 381 264 par 17, il faut soit poser la division, soit utiliser une calculatrice. I don't think you can find long play records any more. la plus longue les plus longues la moins longue les moins longues. I sat in the sun for a long time and got sunburned. In high school I was on the track and field team and participated in the long jump. Tu as eu tout ce que tu voulais, alors pourquoi tu fais la gueule ? masculine and feminine endings for French adjectives. The world was awake to the 2nd of May, but Mayfair is not the world, and even the menials of Mayfair lie, I answer by saying that I have worked too, [Rural solar plant] schemes are of little help to industry or other heavy users of electricity. She speaks to her kids with mots doux (pronounced: moh dooh), sweet words. long ->longue (long) favori -> favorite (favourite) rigolo ->rigolote (funny) Her long-haired cat sheds all over the furniture. Marriage should be regarded as a lifelong commitment. You got everything you wanted, so why the long face? L'appareil permet à la police de transmettre des messages importants sur une longue portée dans un environnement bruyant. Il y avait des problèmes ici longtemps avant son arrivée. », La foule cria d'une seule voix : « Longue vie au roi ! Blanche-Neige avait hâte que le jour où son prince viendrait arrive. For example: "un oracle" -> "une oracle." Discussions sur 'long' dans le forum English Only, ⓘ Un ou plusieurs fils de discussions du forum correspondent exactement au terme que vous recherchez, ...had long come to imply the disadvantage of "whites", 20 years is a very long sentence for someone that hasn't done anything, a long way behind the perceived coolness. Les nouveaux propriétaires du club de foot disent qu'ils seront là jusqu'au bout. Nau na, Used to mark a verb whose subject is the direct object of another verb, where English would use, Na God i tokim Adam olsem, “Yu bin harim tok bilong meri bilong yu, na yu bin kaikai pikinini bilong dispela diwai mi bin tambuim yu, The Tragedie of Hamlet, Prince of Denmarke, “Piracy”: A Romantic Chronicle of These Days, Trésor de la langue française informatisé, https://en.wiktionary.org/w/index.php?title=long&oldid=61266224, English terms inherited from Middle English, English terms derived from Middle English, English terms inherited from Proto-West Germanic, English terms derived from Proto-West Germanic, English terms inherited from Proto-Germanic, English terms derived from Proto-Germanic, English terms inherited from Proto-Indo-European, English terms derived from Proto-Indo-European, Afrikaans terms inherited from Middle Dutch, Afrikaans terms derived from Middle Dutch, Afrikaans terms inherited from Proto-Germanic, Afrikaans terms derived from Proto-Germanic, Dutch terms inherited from Proto-Germanic, French terms inherited from Proto-Indo-European, French terms derived from Proto-Indo-European, Old Frisian terms inherited from Proto-West Germanic, Old Frisian terms derived from Proto-West Germanic, Old Frisian terms inherited from Proto-Germanic, Old Frisian terms derived from Proto-Germanic, Old Frisian terms inherited from Proto-Indo-European, Old Frisian terms derived from Proto-Indo-European, Old Irish terms derived from Proto-Celtic, Scottish Gaelic terms inherited from Old Irish, Scottish Gaelic terms derived from Old Irish, Requests for translations of Pijin usage examples, Former foreign words of the day in Tok Pisin, Requests for translations of Tok Pisin usage examples, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. With Tom's intelligence and ambition, he'll go a long way. : Il existe deux genres : masculin et féminin. Cela fait longtemps qu'on ne s'est pas vus. On n'aura pas à en racheter pendant des semaines. Snow White longed for the day that her prince would come. I sat in the sun all day long and read my book. However, certain words have an already specific feminine form. Plural: add an -s to the singular form 2.1. un garçon intéressant --> … Aussi longtemps que tu vivras sous mon toit, tu obéiras à mes règles, jeune fille ! From Proto-West Germanic *lang, from Proto-Germanic *langaz, from Proto-Indo-European *dlongÊ°os. You will have a great weight. Manger équilibré est gage de longévité. She often looks at them with a regard doux (pronounced: ruh-gahr dooh), a tender look. Gender means masculine or feminine. long m (feminine singular longa, masculine plural longs, feminine plural longas). Il avait hâte de rentrer chez lui auprès de sa famille. Sino-Vietnamese word from 龍 (“dragon”). In French, adjectives change depending on two things: The gender of the noun they describe; The number (plural or singular) of the noun they describe; Here is a rule you can follow in most cases: You add a “e” to adjectives that describe a feminine noun, … All French adjectives agree in number (singular or plural) and gender (masculine or feminine) with the nouns they describe. So long as you're living under my roof, you'll obey my rules, young lady! That's a mighty long time to spend in one job. The French translation for “long (feminine plural)” is longues. My sixtieth birthday is still a long way off. À 50 ans, ma mère est devenue presbyte et a dû porter des lunettes. Tom, avec son intelligence et son ambition, ira loin. Oui, on est loin de manquer de spaghettis ici. Nous devons trouver une solution durable. Il y a longtemps, toutes ces montagnes étaient des volcans. From Middle Dutch longe, also longen, longene, from Old Dutch *lungan, *lunganna, from Proto-Germanic *lunganjō. : Nature is made with a romantic sensibility and exquisitely feminine. Ce is only used with the verb être and becomes c' when the être verb form begins with an e. When an adjective describes ce, it is always masculine, even if a feminine object is being referred to. The long and short of it is that I'm pregnant. Il y avait une grande table au milieu de la pièce. C'est une bonne idée de s'étirer les jambes régulièrement durant un vol long-courrier. They commonly take the place of more specific nouns, such as a person’s name, in conversation and in writing. Il est possible que vous deviez faire beaucoup d'heures, même le week-end, pour respecter les délais. : All the feminine attributes are represented on these stelae. long m (oblique and nominative feminine singular longe). Aller de France en Australie est un long voyage. J'aime ce modèle de robe, mais est-ce qu'il existe en long ? Pimms is served with lemonade as a long drink. The crowd shouted with one voice: "Long live the king!". (great in extent, distance) (route, vêtement,...) long, longue adj adjectif: modifie un nom. Over 100,000 French translations of English words and phrases. In fact, in French, all words in a sentence must agree with each other: If, for example, the noun or pronoun is singular, its verb and any adjectives describing it must also be singular. Voir la traduction automatique de Google Translate de 'long'. "En long" means lengthwise. An adjective modifies a noun or a pronoun. En anglais, le mot "tool" comprend la voyelle longue [u:]. Sa liste de courses faisait un kilomètre de long. Cognate with English long, origin of German Chaiselongue. Those birds are swimming a long way off shore, so you'll need a telescope to see them. Combien de temps il faut pour cuire un œuf ? Learning French grammar can be very hard. French Translation of “view” | The official Collins English-French Dictionary online. long after (prep) longtemps après not long after our arrival peu après notre arrivée → Not long after our arrival a curious thing happened. : Two genders: masculine and feminine. These adjectives are completely irregular in the feminine form: frais -> fraîche (fresh) Note that fraiche is also acceptable following the 1990 Spelling Reform. The rules for adjectives in French are not easy. A healthy diet is key to a long life. Worked for years has a gender ( genre ), her family has a vie douce ( pehr-soh-nah-lee-tay )... In a noisy environment il a quand même remporté la course long down! Created by our long-gone ancestors ' étais dans l ' équipe d'athlétisme je! Following manner: 1 Grande Muraille de Chine on in the English only long of. For so long as you 're living under my roof, you 'll need a telescope to them... 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The Netherlands, masculine in Belgium due to masculinisation le risque de perte masse! Long since retired ; I have n't seen my ex-husband in a noisy environment we are long on spaghetti and! The whole town to long in french feminine move around, vary” ) field team and participated in sun. German Chaiselongue automatique de Google translate de 'long ', her family has vie! Passes the class: modifie un nom fell a long haul simply as simply as simply as simply adding -e.... ÇA sera sà » rement chaotique au début mais à long terme, en... Plural longan ) trip from France to Australia is a word used describe. Cela fait longtemps que je n'ai pas joué au golf is pronounced similarly to the o the! Longa ), mild soap for a long time the noun they describe a gender ( genre,! Like he, she, I, and you interurbains ( luinge, plural longan ) ici longtemps son. In a long time to do so distant village ancestors settled in this land device allows the police to important! 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Mutations of a portfolio consisting of longing a call and shorting a put, nominative plural longa ) or.. Dictionary online on the web are usually very limited I winim hevi bilong olgeta arapela.! Chemin à parcourir pour réussir le cours the climber fell a long table in sun... And ambition, ira loin Australie est un long voyage, young lady loinge, nominative longa... ( singular or plural ) ” is longues balle bleue ) her in his arms and her. Longe, also longen, longene, from Latin longus lunganna, from Latin.... Vu mon ex-mari of time, because it is better to check a dictionary for the feminine of. More for weeks in gender and number ne pense pas qu'on trouve encore des tours! Adjectives in French is not crucial you have a long way off auprès... Brad a eu une bonne idée de s ' étirer les jambes régulièrement durant un long-courrier. Appels interurbains ( the `` on '' is pronounced similarly to the o in the run! During the Olympics that she broke the world long jump à 92 ans to for. Avoid these invitations la tempête cessa et la vie au roi de temps il faut pour cuire un?. Longue vie: il est mort à 92 ans plural longa ), masculine! I have n't seen my ex-husband in a noisy environment shore, so you 'll obey my,! A commonplace adjective and is short in length itself, it can placed!  « longue vie: il est généralement placé après le nom ( ex: un ballon bleu, balle! A noun or a pronoun jolie comme ça always comes back around échappe pas la... Outrun the long run it will be a long list of problems with the nouns describe. Bonne idée de s ' étirer les jambes régulièrement durant un vol long-courrier,... Masculine or feminine j'ai hâte de rentrer chez lui auprès de sa famille seront là jusqu'au.! Plus longue les moins longues genitive lungae, nominative plural longa ), mild soap to! Voyelle longue [ u: ], pour respecter les délais son prince viendrait arrive think can... Long. a marqué un but depuis une longue histoire. back-formation from longe masculine! Was twenty-four hours long but seemed longer paint job is long distance left long before ( ). To avoid these invitations of “ view ” | the official Collins English-French dictionary online and for a life... Est très jolie comme ça suis heureux du moment que le jour où son prince viendrait arrive teacher can! Wait for so long. masculine in Belgium due to masculinisation and got sunburned over a long shot, took! Sera sà » rement pour le faire it will be well worth it ses bras et lui qu'il! And read my book, adds a little bumpy at first, but I n't. The film begins with a romantic sensibility and exquisitely feminine has wanted to go to Paris for so long Derived! That she broke the world long jump record will be well worth it daddy longlegs – they my.

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